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Histoire | St-Cajetan | Mansonville | Potton

Also called Academy school, it was built in 1893. The name changed to Model School in 1901 . Was it operating, for a while, at the same time the one by Fred Korman's place, built in 1809? We know that there was no grade, at the beginning; but it used to go up to 10th and 11th grade.

Between 1926 and 1929, Martina Hill was Principal and teacher at this school. ln the same years and later, Bertha Adams, Mabel Young, Marion Jolly, Carrie Spicer, Scott Brown, Mary Scott, Bernice George, Wennifred White, Lucille George, Elsie (Porter) Knowlton attended school.

Letitia Willard (Cousens) taught in two periods for 27 years. We also remember Alice Jones (Beak) and Heather DeFelice. From 1923 to 1964, R. Frank Cowan (Mary Bailey's father) was secretary for the School Municipality of Potton.

Comes a time when the Academy School is much to small, having space only for 2 or 3 classrooms.

Model School | Where the Cenotaph stands

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