Boutique de forge-Ferblanterie
Aussi loin que la construction de l'édifice du Restaurantle Soleil Rouge en 1876, remonte la tenue desmétiers de plombiers, ferblantiers et forgerons. George Brac aurait été un des premiers à accomplir un peu de tout ça. Après lui, Ed Daine (Dean) et Archie Sisco en même temps qu'une manufacture de cercueils opérait à l'arrière. Puis la devanture, au moins, changea d'aspectlorsque Wilfrid Chicoine acheta vers l'an 1930.
Dans les années subséquentes, boutiques de forge,de soudure, ateliers de réparations de toutes sortes passerontau mains de Adélard Dufresne, Freddy Marcoux,Georges Poirier, Thomas Lamothe, Ludger Lacoste, JeanPaul Lacoste, Émile Paquette, et plus près de nous Bruno Giec. Vous voulez savoir où? Tantôt à l'endroit de l'atelier de Bruno Giec, tantôt sur l'emplacement de Gérald Brouillette. Pendant quelques années, dans les 1965, Germain Rodrigue aura exercé la plomberie; il ne reste d'actifs que Georges Jewett, à Vale Perkins et Jos Pietrasekch. R. R. N° 3. Au fait, où faites-vous ferrer votre cheval?
Cement Block Factory
Astonishing is the amount of work 'our ancestors could do by themselves, to save buying. Did you knowt hey were building their own concrete blacks? Yes, by the river, behind Adrien St-Onge's house, in the 1900's,some people erected a concrete black factory, fromwh1ch they would sell and carry right to the shanty construction.For instance, in 1910, Manson Black was built with these "fresh", different colour and size concrete blocks.
ln the 1820's, a few pearlasheries existed in Potton. Since all the lumber was not used- either for heating or for construction, the remnants and stumps of hard wood would often be burned. The ashes would be put in big 8 gallon cans and soaked with hot water. Through a tap at the bottom of the can, came a liquid that you boiled until it became hard like salt. Now this "salt" was heated in an oven which looks like a bakery's oven. This stuff, rather brown, turned to white. When it was cold, it was ready to sack and be sold and used. This pearl-ash was used as baking soda or powder. We don't know any pearlashery owners. Would it mean that it was mostly a family industry?