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Maple King named

Belated congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Jewett for their offorts with Hill Haven Maple products at the FallFairs at County, Regional and Provincial levels.

At the Regional Fair, Expo Sherbrooke, which takes in the counties of Compton, Arthabaska, Sherbrooke,Drummond, Wolfe, Richmond, Stanstead, Frontenac, Shefford, Megantic and Brome-Missisquoi, they received the Small Brothers (Dunham) Special for the most exhibits in Maple Products and the highest aggregate.

At the County level, Brome Fair, they copped the Provincial Class as well as at Sherbrooke which placed them in Expo-Québec.

They were presented the Jonathan Robinson Trophy for combined efforts in maple entries in Agricultural and Horticultural Departments.

Their Commercial Display, depicting "The MapleSyrup Special" leaving railway station "Maple-SugarJunction", surrounded with by-products of the maple industry, was awarded the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce (Sutton) silver tray.

Their efforts were crowned by the Quebec Maple Kingship 1974 at Chateau Bonne Entente, Quebec City.

Excerpt from the leader mail - Nov 1974.

Leveritt Jewett

Pearl Jewett