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Histoire | St-Cajetan | Mansonville | Potton

Finally, let us summarize natural discoveries or events which have perturbed our social life during this last century and more.

ln 1828, a sulphur spring was discovered by Nathan Banfill, at the border of Potton and Bolton. This particulared or and taste emerging from a roch became so popular because of its curing or preventive power that a station of Orford Mountain Road was built between Hanson Hotel (still the chimney remains after the fire) and the Potton Sulphur.

Moreover, a stage coach would also accomodate people residing or coming at McMannis Hotel to get water. Each of the 24 bathrooms of this hotel was supplied with this water.

Au pied de la source d'eau sulfureuse

Photo from Yesterdays of Potton

Manson Block after fire | 1910

In 1867 a great mail robbery happened in Mansonville a few 400 $ and 500 $ money letters were missing in the mail or Post Office. lnspectors and Sheriffs were investigating. Did they find the authors?

In 1910-11, first automobiles in Mansonville. M. Boright, Harol, Peabody and Oliver are the lucky and wealthy enough ford buyers.

Again in 1910, a desastrous fire burned the Manson blacks and a couple of neighboring buildings.

In 1923, an epidemic of typhoid fever struck Pottori and killed 21 persans. Dr. Gillanders had much to do during these 6 weeks and survived it. The same year, fire burned the town black again.

In 1927, a terrible flood cause big losts: grain and wood mill, electric power bridges, namely Highwater steel bridge, removed from its piers and landed some distance below.

In 1936, hurricane in Sugar Loaf region.

Again in 1942, a flood.

Same thing this year 1982 bad enough, thank you, with enormous damage in fields and roads and lost of cattle for Barnett.

Highwater lives by it's name | 1982

William Brulotte

1929 crisis has young men and family fathers expatriate as in Abitibi, to earn more than 0,50 $ a cord of wood. Because of excessive coast of boarding, they did not make money and many had to jump and hide in freight-wagons to corne back.

1939-45, many of our men have to enroll for army.

William Brulotte has served during two wars.