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Histoire | St-Cajetan | Mansonville | Potton

Comme pour l'histoire du Peuple de Dieu dans la Bible, la vie religieuse de notre région est tissée de recommencements, mais en même temps marquée au coin des prévenances de Dieu.

Pendant environ trente ans après leur arrivée, les pionniers tenaient leur réunion de prières dans leurs maisons. Ils étaient de religion Méthodiste ou Baptiste pour la plupart, et la première communauté à organiser le culte liturgique fut l'Eglise Baptiste, en 1825, tel que mentionné dans sa page.

In the early 1800's, different religion ministers visited small house groups, missionary way, many of them were Anglican. Afterwards, in the 1850's a parish was formed and the red brick Baptist Church came in the hands of Anglicans.

ln Dunkin, services were held in the shcoolhouse when Rev. James Jennings was preaching, before 1876, the year the first parsonage was built. ln 1879, the first Church, named Evangelical Second Advent, was erected, and afterwards the name was changed for Dunkin Union Church. Now this building belongs to Mr. Erkkila and the parsonage, to Edith Aiken.

ln Mansonville again, the United Church, formerly named New Connexion Methodist Church, goes back to 1873, when the first minister settles, and in 1879, the church building is completed and dedicated. ln the bygone days,  ministers would go and hold services in other churches or points of preaching. Contemporaries remember Rev. Carl Gustafson, who served for 2 terms of 3 years, the Champion, Huxtable, Morrisson, and lately, Coughlin and Wallace.

ln 1969, a new group organised, with the name of Eglise Evangelique de Mansonville, being preached by Jacques Marcoux, barn in this area, and using also the Baptist Church, north of Mansonville. The following preachers were Jean-Luc Vermette, Marcel Gingras, and at the present time, Dean Summers.

Quelle église les premières familles de langue française, Cabana, Côté, Hamelin, St-Onge, Lamothe, St-Martin et Filion fréquentaient-elles? Avant 1866, soit Sutton ou Magog ou Waterloo.