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Expo 2017 | Le tourisme à Potton au tournant du 19e siècle

Camps d'été

Summer Camps

Il est difficile de situer le début des camps de vacances pour les jeunes et des campings autour du lac Memphrémagog.

Bullock, en 1926, cite cinq camps. Pour illustrer ce thème, nous vous présentons le Memphremagog Camp ou Girls’ Camp et le Owl’s Head Campground.

Memphremagog Camp | 1908

Girls’ Camp | 1950

It is impossible to know when the first summer camps for children began in the Lake Memphremagog region.

Bullock tells us that in 1926 there were five. To illustrate this theme, we have chosen two summer camps and one campground.

De 1925 à 1936, le Colonel F.B. Edwards exploite le Owl’s Head Camp for boys. En 1937, il cède ses actifs à Miss Daisy L. Gass, qui fonde le Girls’ Camp. Ce camp de vacances ferme en 1960 et est cédé à la United Church of Canada, qui y exploite le Upward Trail Camp jusqu’en 1968.

From 1925 to 1936, Colonel F.B. Edwards operated the exclusive Owl’s Head Camp for Boys. In 1937, Miss Daisy L. Gass purchased the assets and founded the Memphremagog Camp for Girls, or the Girls’ Camp. The United Church of Canada bought the camp in 1960 and then operated the Upward Trail Camp until 1968.

Girls’ Camp | 1950

Harry Hay et Rudy Palme ouvrent, en 1962, le Owl’s Head Campground sur la terre ancestrale de la famille Oliver, au bord du lac.

The Owl’s Head Campground for family camping was begun in 1962, when Harry Hay and Rudy Palme bought the former Carlton Oliver residence and beach.

Maison de campagne Oliver | 1916