Les hôtels du village
Plus tard, de nombreux hôtels furent construits mais presque tous ont brûlé.
Mentionnons le Mansonville Hotel dans le village de ce nom dont l’origine remonte à 1836 où il fut ouvert par Christopher Armstrong. Le plan du village de 1864 montre un hôtel appartenant à J. Manson sur ce même site.
Enfin, à l’endroit de la ferronnerie Giroux et Giroux actuelle il y eut un magasin (carte Walling de 1864).
Plus tard, probablement à la fin du 19e siècle, on y construisit un hôtel appelé le Windsor dont l’édifice devint une ferronnerie .
The Hotels
There were several hotels in later years but most were destroyed by fire.
In Mansonville, there was the Mansonville Hotel across from the Common which dated back to 1836 when it opened under Christopher Armstrong. In 1864, the Walling map shows a hotel belonging to J. Manson which was located at the site of the Mansonville Hotel destroyed by fire in 1983.
The present day Giroux & Giroux Hardware Store began its life as a hotel called the "Windsor" and was built around the end of the 19th century.