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Lac, Chemin du


Chemin du Lac, or Lake Road, offers some of the best long views of Lake Memphremagog in any season.  It runs from Knowlton Landing to Vale Perkins as a main north-south route for travel from the Magog and Sherbrooke area as part of the Orford-Owl's Head corridor, following what was once the original cart path.  The road was largely reconstructed from 1990 to 2008, with the exception of the portion through Vale Perkins. 

Chemin du Lac was first built as a road suitable for motorized travel in the late 1940's. 

(Plate # 75 in Potton d'antan, Yesterdays of Potton gives but one picture of its construction. Plate # 18 shows the road in its original state circa 1900.)

Peter Talbot, an American born seasonal resident who has spent summers in Potton for several decades, has kindly endowed Potton Heritage with a large collection of photographs taken from his father's slides.  These are a precious record of the landscape and people of Potton, dating from the mid 1940's when his father, Stanley (Red) Talbot, first brought his wife, Sally, and their family to Ufton Court in Vale Perkins and Pine Lodge in Knowlton Landing.  The collection represents a precious chronicle of sixty years or more.  In it are irreplaceable pictures of Knowlton Landing and post-construction of the Chemin du Lac.  Some photos of the Talbot collection are permanent displayed in Jewett's Store.  Potton Heritage Association intends to display this collection beginning in 2012.

Sur ce chemin on découvre une énorme pierre, visible depuis la route près de Ruisseau Château, qui est gravé de pétroglyphes d’origine indienne. C’est aussi un point d’observation pour le lever du soleil aux solstices et aux équinoxes.[1]

[1] Source : Leduc, Gérard, Légendes amérindiennes du Canton de Potton, Association du Patrimoine de Potton inc, 1994.

Lac, Chemin du
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