Knowlton-Landing, Chemin
The present day Chemin Knowlton-Landing begins at the right angle bend in Coolidge (Cooledge), where that road changes name to Chemin du Lac, and leads first to Knowlton Landing and thence uphill to various residences.
Originally, the name Knowlton-Landing Road likely referred to a portion of the road that came over the mountain, still called Mountain Road, down to a landing on the shores of Lake Memphremagog for Copp's Ferry, established in the late 1790's to connect the east and west sides of the Lake. This was part of the stagecoach road from Montreal to Boston, originally called “the old Magog road”. At Knowlton Landing, the passengers left the coach and took a ferry across the lake to Georgeville, where they again boarded a coach for Boston. (Copp's Ferry did not leave from the site of the present day landing, but from the next bay farther out towards the main lake.) Thus the Knowlton Landing Road followed the shore as closely as possible to the ferry landing. With the advent of steam ship service on the lake and the building of a wharf on the site of the present day landing, the road to Copp's Ferry fell into disuse. The first part of the road past the landing serviced three summer cottages, but the remainder was abandoned. After World War II, Lyman Knowlton subdivided his land along the lakeside and sold lots for summer cottages. Once again, Knowlton Landing Road was in demand. It was rebuilt following a route, somewhat further from the shoreline than the old road that it still follows today.
Knowlton Landing or Knowlton's Landing, as it is often called, was named for Levi Knowlton, originally from Massachusetts, who first settled there in 1821. The “Landing” consists of a cluster of houses, some the residences of the Knowlton family. Levi Knowlton and his son built the brick house once known as Tuck's Hotel, and Pine Lodge and now as L'Aubergine.
For more detailed history of L'Aubergine/Pine Lodge, see the entry under L'Aubergine.
Voir notes sous le vocable Knowlton-Landing, Hameau.
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- Knowlton-Landing, Chemin
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- Historic Names | Noms historiques
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- PN-K-02
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