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Colgan, Chemin


Colgan Road is named for Odilon Colgan (1909-1982) and his wife, Isabelle Colgan (1905-1991).  Odilon Colgan, of Irish descent, arrived in Highwater in 1938.  After his marriage in 1940, he bought land near the Vermont border at Highwater.  Friends and family helped the Colgans build their home and dairy barn.  Together they raised five children, all born here.  Two still live in the Mansonville area. 

Their daughter, Laurette, recalls being boarded at the Convent in Mansonville, from her earliest school year because walking to school from Highwater was out of the question.  Laurette Colgan became a teacher and taught elementary students in both École du Baluchon and Mansonville Elementary.  Her father, Mr. Colgan, was a trustee of the Saint-Cajetan parish in 1952.  He worked at Space Research and for the Montreal Pipeline Company, both located in Highwater[1].

Odilon and Isabelle Colgan repose in the Saint-Cajetan Cemetery

[1] Interview with Laurette Colgan-Rouleau, Mansonville

Odilon Colgan (1909-1982) et son épouse Isabelle Colgan (1905-1991) sont enterrés au Cimetière catholique de St-Cajetan. Odilon Colgan, d’origine irlandaise, est arrivé à Highwater en 1938. À son mariage avec Isabelle Colgan en 1940, ils achetèrent une ferme près de la frontière du Vermont à Highwater. Monsieur Colgan fut élu marguiller de la paroisse St-Cajetan en 1952 et commisssaire à la Commission Scolaire. Il a travaillé à la Space Rechearch et à la Pipe-Line, deux entreprises de Highwater.[1]

[1] Source : Inventaire des Sépultures de Potton, Serge Gaudreau, en collaboration avec Pamela Guilbault et Andrée Gratton et Roy, Jean-Louis, Histoire d’une paroisse St-Cajetan, d’un village Mansonville, d’une municipalité Potton.

Colgan, Chemin
Potton Families | Familles de Potton