Baker, Chemin
This road name refers to the presence of Baker Mining and Milling Co. Ltd., once active in several sectors of Potton. One of their former mines, the van Reet, is situated in this sector. In the Municipality of East Bolton, the same road is known as Chemin Baker Talc. From the 1930's “Baker Talc” extracted talc, a mineral composed of hydrated magnesium silicate, the softest of known minerals, also known as soapstone, from three seams found in Potton. The Giroux, Marcoux and van Reet mines names derived from the surnames of the proprietors of land where talc seams were found. All of these mines are now closed. The former van Reet mining site is now known as the Réserve écologique de la Mine-aux-Pipistrelles. It is Quebec's first underground ecological reserve – a hibernation site for bats of which the pipistrelle is the smallest of the species found in Quebec. (See also entries for Giroux; Marcoux; Talc; and Van Reet mines as well as for Chemin de la Mine.)
Ce nom est relié à la mine Baker Talc ou Van Reet situé dans ce secteur. À Bolton-Est, le même chemin s’appelle Chemin Baker Talc.
La compagnie minière Baker Talc a exploité, à compter des années 1930, trois gisements de talc à Potton : les mines Giroux, Marcoux et Van Reet. Ces noms sont ceux des propriétaires des terres sur lesquels se trouvaient la ressource minière.[1]
[1] Source : Jean-Paul Deschenes, résidant de Potton qui a travaillé pour cette compagnie. Voir aussi les entrées sous Giroux, Mine; Marcoux, Mine; Mine, Chemin; Talc, Mine; Van Reet, mine.
- Titre
- Baker, Chemin
- Thème
- Historic Names | Noms historiques
- Identifiant
- PN-B-01
- Collections
- Toponymie | Place Names of Potton and More