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Toponymie | Canton de Potton | Place Names

Mathewson, Chemin


Chemin Mathewson is found off Chemin Claude-George.  It leads to a private property on the shore of Lake Memphremagog.  It is named for the Peter Mathewson family who arrived in Potton many years ago and, in 1960, bought the property their son now owns.  Jim Mathewson kindly provided the history of the road:

“In 1927, Claude George purchased a farm located on the western shore of Lake Memphremagog, running back to the foot of Mount Elephantus.  At the same time, Claude's brother Harry purchased the neighbouring farm.  The following year, the George brothers sold a piece of lakefront that bordered their two properties to a young Vermont lawyer by the name of Charles Warren. 

Claude George built a log cabin for Mr. Warren, who would come in the summers to fish.  At some point however, Warren's work took him to Washington, DC, so he could only visit infrequently.  The place fell into disuse and deteriorated. 

In the fifties, Claude George and his wife May began renting rooms above the garage, at Georgedale Farm, to people who wished to enjoy the beautiful countryside.  Of course, many of the guests were keen to go down to the lake for a swim; so, May George would direct her guests to make the 2/3 mile hike down the logging road, past the unused cabin, to a small beach with a flat rock ledge, ideal for a summer swim and a picnic. 

She made a little sketch for her guests of the pathway to the rock.  The route started with the logging road, now known as Chemin Claude-George, across the fields, then through the forest to a sugarhouse and the lake.  …

In 1960, Marny and Peter Mathewson were looking for a place on the lake and they fell in love with the woodsy property with the flat rock and the marvelous view.  They restored the derelict log cabin, and it is enjoyed to this day.  For over fifty years, Chemin Claude-George has provided access to the Mathewson home on the Lake.  The section of the old pathway from the sugarhouse to the log cabin and the flat rock would become Chemin Mathewson.[1]

[1] History provided by Jim Mathewson, son of Peter Mathewson, by email, July 2, 2011

Mathewson, Chemin
Potton Families | Familles de Potton