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Toponymie | Canton de Potton | Place Names

Nénuphars, Chemin des


Chemin des Nénuphars is one of Potton's newest road names.  It was adopted by Council in December 2012, and was the name assigned to a new road in the area of Chemin des Myosotis.

A nénuphar is a member of the Nymphaeaceae family of flowering plants, commonly called water lilies, which live in freshwater areas in temperate and tropical climates around the world.  About 35 species may be found in the Northern Hemisphere.  Water lilies are rooted in soil in bodies of water, with leaves and flowers floating on the water surface.  This group of plants also contains the nénuphar à  fleurs panachées – which is the marsh marigold or the common cow-slip often found in marshy areas of our Township, in early spring. 

The name was suggested by the proprietors of this private road, Jessica Giroux and Alain Pouliot.  Jessica tells us that her young son's love of frogs prompted suggestion of the name.  So in this case, Chemin des Nénuphars could be translated as Water Lily Road in English!  

Nénuphars, Chemin des
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