Owl’s Head Mountain
Owl's Head! – our majestic jewel of a mountain with stunning views from the top, in all seasons. At 6 kilometres from the American border, and firmly planted in Potton, Owl's Head is Potton's principal attraction: it offers skiing, golfing, hiking, boating with all stops in between. Owl's Head rises steeply from the west shore of Lake Memphremagog. At some 750 meters, it is visible for miles around.
Legend has it that Owl's Head is named because its general shape suggests the facial profile and neck of a reclining man. Tradition attributes the resemblance to a revered Abenaki chief, Owl. Certainly, from some perspectives, the profile is quite evident.
There is no way to prove or disprove this legend, any more than we can the legend of the sea monster who purportedly lives in a cave deep beneath the waters of Lake Memphremagog, at the foot of Owl's Head, traditionally called Anaconda by the Abenakis and Memphré in tourist promotions!
“Far different from what it appears to one looking toward it from the base, the summit covers an area of several acres, and its broken by a number of rocky prominences – all having about the same altitude. Clambering to the top of one of these, in summer, a person sits enraptured with the scenery around him and marvels at 'the wonderful works of God'. Far below him the forest with its intermingling branches, laden with the richest foliage (…) but the Lake and the country around it will be the chief objects on which his eye will rest. The land with its verdant garb of summer slopes down to the water's edge (…) while here and there are islets which to the fanciful appear like rafts the fairies have decked with evergreens and launched upon its bosom.” [1]
A map of Potton appearing in the Belden Historical Atlas of Quebec Eastern Townships (1881) shows Monument Peak as an alternative name for Owl's Head, however this is the only instance for the name we have ever seen.
Owl's Head Development Inc. has promoted skiing and residential development on the flanks of the Mountain since the first trails were designed in the early 1960's. We suggest that you pick up a copy of Potton Heritage folder Owl's Head, to read more about our mountain and its mysteries.
[1] Contributions to the History of the Eastern Townships, Thomas, Cyrus, page 330
À 6 km de la frontière américaine, dans la municipalité du canton de Potton en Estrie, le mont Owl's Head atteint plus de 750 m, sur la rive occidentale du lac Memphrémagog. Le centre de ski Owl's Head offre ainsi aux skieurs notamment une vue imprenable sur le lac. Selon la tradition orale, l'oronyme qui est en usage depuis la seconde moitié du XIXe siècle, aurait été créé par un groupe d'Abénaquis de la région qui voyaient dans le profil de la montagne une ressemblance avec leur chef dénommé Owl, tiré d'un mot anglais signifiant hibou. On peut aussi croire que le relief évoque par son aspect la tête d'un hibou, d'où son nom.[1]
De forme conique et d’origine volcanique, il est repérable à des kilomètres a la ronde.[2]
Pour en savoir davantage sur ce Mont et ses mystères, lisez le dépliant de l’Association intitulé : Owl’s Head.
[1] Source: Noms et lieux du Québec, ouvrage de la Commission de toponymie paru en 1994 et 1996 sous la forme d'un dictionnaire illustré imprimé, et sous celle d'un cédérom réalisé par la société Micro-Intel, en 1997, à partir de ce dictionnaire. Topos sur le Web.
[2] Source : Un canton à découvrir Potton, publié par l’Association.
- Titre
- Owl’s Head Mountain
- Thème
- Historic Names | Noms historiques
- Place or Site Names | Places ou sites
- Birds | Oiseaux
- Identifiant
- PN-O-10
- Collections
- Toponymie | Place Names of Potton and More