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3. Cimetière MANSONVILLE

Situé à l'entrée du village, à l’intersection de la route 243 et du chemin West Hill, ce cimetière accueille les défunts depuis plus de 100 ans et comprend plus de 1 100 sites funéraires. Il est construit sur une petite butte, caractéristique typique de certains cimetières protestants du canton. Plusieurs personnages importants de Potton s'y retrouvent, tels que Robert Manson (1776-1854) et sa femme Patience Andrews (1778-1866), H.E. Gillanders (1892-1965), médecin pendant 40 ans à Mansonville, et Robert (Frank) Cowan (1887-1964), secrétaire-trésorier de la municipalité de 1923 à 1955.

Pour avoir plus d’information sur les personnes qui y sont inhumées, consultez le site Mansonville Cemetery Brome County Quebec. La Mansonville Cemetery Company administre ce cimetière de même que ceux de Province Hill et de Chapel Hill.


Located at the entrance to Mansonville, at the intersection of West Hill Road and Route 243, this cemetery is over 100 years old and is characteristic of other protestant cemeteries in that it is built on slightly elevated ground. Edgar Barnett had recorded over 400 names in 1927; and, by 2005, 1,100 gravesites had been registered. Many local historical figures repose here, among whom: Robert Manson (1776-1854), founder of Mansonville, and his wife Patience Andrews (1778-1856); Doctor H.E. Gillanders (1892-1965), who practiced medicine in Mansonville for 40 years, and Robert Francis (Frank) Cowan (1887-1964), Secretary-Treasurer of Potton Township from 1923 to 1955.

For those interested in researching a listing of burial sites, google Mansonville Cemetery Brome County Quebec, which will bring you to a site called Most of Potton’s protestant cemeteries are listed on, although not all have listings of burials for consultation. The Mansonville Cemetery Company administers the Chapel Hill, Province Hill, and Mansonville Cemeteries.

Jean-François Boulais, 2010