A History of Landscape Architecture

Conférence présentée par Hans Walser
Mercredi 7 décembre 2011, 19 h 30
Hôtel de ville, Mansonville

Conférence présentée en anglais, durée approximative de 45 minutes, suivie d’une période de questions et d’échanges en anglais et en français.

A History of Landscape Architecture
An Overview from Antiquity to the English Landscape Garden of the 18th Century


This illustrated presentation will highlight the major influences of the evolution of landscape architecture from antiquity through Greece, Rome, the Renaissance, and Islam to the French gardens of the 17th century. This overview will be followed by a closer look at the English landscape garden of the 18th century. To close, the presenter will sketch its similarities with the landscapes of Potton as seen through his eyes.
Questions and comments are welcome in either English or French.

Biographical Note

Hans Walser came to the Ruiterbrook area of Potton in 1972 and acquired the remnants of the farm of Wallace Aiken. For now nearly 40 years, Hans has  »reworked » his place – planting trees, moving rocks and making other  »improvements », often to change his mind and start over again. After his retirement from a career in the Chemical industry in 1999, Hans obtained a  »Mineur en design de Jardins » from the University of Montreal and this experience enhanced his interest in landscaping and in the preservation of the landscapes of Potton.